Microsoft is bringing full android apps to Windows - take that apple!
This is it! It’s finally been confirmed! Today, during it’s Windows 11 unveiling event, Microsoft announced it would be bringing full Android apps to Windows.
This is huuuuuge. Why? Well, for a number of reasons. First, Apple recently made it a thing to incorporate apps from the ios store available on their macOS lineup. This is possible because of thier switch from x86 chips (intel) to a custom ARM chip (mobile cpu’s) designed in house. And because apple has full control over the software, and hardware, you can bet your sweet tooth the user experience is going to be spectacular. Secondly, there have been emulation software available for several years to run android apps on windows. Software such as Bluestacks , Andy OS and NOX have really paved the way for mobile gaming on the big screen. The technology has been available, but now we’re going to have a more native experience.
In addition to running full, native Android apps, Microsoft will also be adding them to the Microsoft Windows Store included in the new OS thanks to integration with Amazon’s app store. These apps will function similarly to Windows apps and can be snapped to parts of the screen or pinned to the taskbar alongside traditional apps.

Previously, Microsoft attempted to bring Android app developers into Windows through a project called Astoria, which would have made porting their software easier. In this integration, apps will be able to run natively without any extra work by developers. All of this is apparently made possible through Intel’s bridge technology, which the company refers to as “a runtime post-compiler that enables applications to run natively on x86-based devices, including running those applications on Windows.”

[…] Android apps on windows […]
Indeed, that’s what Microsoft is telling us.